Ponder Upon 6 Questions Before Choosing A Hair Transplant

Ponder Upon 6 Questions Before Choosing A Hair Transplant


    People are preferring hair transplant as a reliable solution for their lost hair. this procedure has been claimed as the promising and result oriented solution for the hair restoration, this procedure may have some its limitations that cannot be ignored by the potential patients so that they can make their step towards surgical restoration as the worth solution for their hair loss problem.

    To tackle the dilemma whether hair transplant is a good idea or not let us have a look at some pointers that may answer your all questions.

    Do you have realistic expectations?

    Hair transplant can give you best results depending on various individual factors like hair texture, skin type, the supply of donor’s hair, desired results and extent of baldness, so the results can vary patient to patient. Your surgeon can give you his best with his experience, knowledge and artistic approach but if your expectations will be actually possible to attain medically, for instance, if you do not have donor follicles to transplant in the complete bald area then how you can get denser hair with the hair transplant.

    Do you have a sufficient supply of donor follicles?

    Before considering hair transplant surgery, a person must consult the specialist to check whether he is an ideal candidate for hair transplant for not as if the person has sufficient supply of hair follicles on scalp or on other body parts like chest, abdomen, arms, underarms, beard, mustache etc then only the transplantation is possible. Moreover, donor hair follicles should be loss resistant only then the patient could have lifetime growing hair.

    Do you have flexible scalp?

    If you have more flexibility of scalp then the extraction and transplantation of follicles can be easier and scar free, moreover, the risk of damage of surrounding tissues can also be prevented with good scalp laxity.

    Do have the patience to wait for results?

    If you want instant results of hair restoration then hair transplant is not a good option for you as after hair transplant surgery patient has to wait for 8-9 months for actual results as, after hair transplant, new hair follicles grow with the same pace of other existing hair follicles ‘ hair cycle.

    Do you have sufficient funds?

    Before choosing hair transplant as an option for hair restoration you must have an arrangement for the funds that can be taken as a fee for hair transplant surgery. Although hair transplant can be a cost-effective treatment still you have to pay much amount in one time for surgery. But overall hair transplant is the cost-effective solution.

    Do you have good health?

    If the candidate has overall good health only then he can be considered as eligible candidate for hair restoration surgery .moreover, if the patient is taking any medication or having any allergy from any medication then he must inform his surgeon beforehand to prevent complications.