Everything You Need To Know About The Hair Transplant Recovery Tips

Recovery guide for hair transplant Punjab


    First Step: Effective care right after the procedure

    • Understand the potential risk

    Undergoing this surgical procedure, the patient needs to follow the tips for recovery and healing. After the surgery, the hair will fall out and after that new hair will grow which takes time. Some of the rare risk factors are:

    • Scarring

    • Infection

    • Hair follicle death which results in no hair regrowth

    • Excessive bleeding

    • Hair growth patterns are uneven.

    • Cover your scalp for the first day following treatment

    Following surgery, your scalp is covered in the surgeon’s cap or headband. If there is a bandage on the scalp then it is removed the next day. While removing the headband or bandanna you need to be careful so that the hair graft is not removed.

    • Keep your head elevated

    For the first few days, you should keep your head elevated. This is important because the swelling will be reduced and hair grafts will not be touched in any manner. You can add an extra pillow on the back and if possible sleep on the reclining chair. To reduce swelling you can apply ice on the forehead.

    In case, you notice any unwanted signs like fever, yellowish puss, chills, or increased pain & swelling then you need to consult your surgeon right away.

    • Take the necessary medications

    You will be prescribed medications after the surgery, so make sure you take them on time. The medications help to speed up the recovery process and prevent infection.

    • Avoid tight-fitting clothes

    After the surgery, wear loose-fitting tees or buttoned shirts so that the hair grafts are not rubbed.

    Second Step: Select the right kind of Recovery Environment

    • Do not go to the swimming pool

    Swimming pools have chlorinated water which can affect the transplanted grafts. So, make sure you wait for at least one month to get back to the swimming pool.

    • Avoid sunlight

    Following surgery, it is very essential to cover your scalp with a hat or a scarf, especially while going out. For at least 3 months, you need to be very cautious as sun rays can halt the healing time.

    • Getting back into a workout regime

    The patient needs to wait for at least 6 months to get back to the proper workout regime. You might start light physical activity a few weeks after the surgery like climbing stairs, light weights, or walking in the park.

    Third Step: Long-term care following hair transplantation

    Go for the follow-up visits

    Following the surgery, you will have sutures or staples which need to be removed. Non-absorbable sutures take 10 to 14 days following surgery. Before and after the surgery, the doctor will give you detailed information about the follow-up visits you need to attend.

    Apart from these things, you should eat healthy, avoid blood thinners, do not apply harsh chemicals on the hair, avoid smoke, and alcohol.