What are the different options for Hair Transplantation Methods or Procedures?

Benefits of Hair Transplantation Methods


    ASG Hair Transplant Centre Punjab: Busy & Stressful lifestyle has been considered the major reason for critical health issues. That is why most of the people usually forget to take healthy or nutrient-enriched diet due to a heavy schedule and race to fulfil all the demands. As a result of this, people have to comprise their healthy eating by eating only unhealthy or fast food. Aside from all reasons, improper diet and imbalanced stress levels can directly cause hair loss. Diet is very important for the proper nourishment of a body.

    If you experience hair related problems, then you can seek help from an experienced surgeon as he/she provides you with proper Hair Transplant treatments for the better hair regrowth.

    To prevent these problems, there are several techniques of hair transplants surgery available in the market. It is highly recommended by various professionals and is used to reduce the risk factors of hair fall. 

    Before moving further, let’s discuss Hair transplant & its techniques

    What do you mean by Hair transplant Procedure?

    Generally, hair transplant refers to a medical procedure that is used to extract hair from a donor site. This area consists of hair follicles that are ailed with hormones. Then, follicles are effectively taken out from the particular area and then transplanted successfully to cover the baldness, especially from the front or vertex.

    According to the Type of problem, Following are some important Hair restoration Methods:

    • FUT or FUHT

    Typically, FUT stands for Follicular unit transplant which is an important procedure for hair restoration. In this method, a strip is successfully carried out from the backside of the head and due to this, a gap is created that is covered surgically. That particular area could be enhanced with an increase in the thickness of the strip. Along with that, over 7000 grafts or follicles could be transplanted in a single session for best results and denser hair.

    • FUE

    This treatment is follicular unit extraction that is famous for providing satisfactory results. The range of FUE increases effectively i.e. from 600 to 4500 follicles. One of the main advantages of FUE is that it is a painless procedure and completes in a shorter time. It is performed with the help of local anesthesia for the best results.

    Before underwent from this procedure, you should consult with an expert doctor to know more about this.

    • FUE with BHT (Body Hair Transplant)

    An important fact that Follicular unit extraction is not enough to meet the need or supply multiple follicles. That is why a body hair transplant procedure from the beard, chest could be used to fill up the extreme need of Follicles.

    • FUE with PRP with Mesotherapy

    Platelet-rich plasma therapy is quite beneficial when it gets combined with hair transplant treatment. In several cases, it has been found that PRP therapy complies with the transplanted and remaining follicles on the patient’s head and makes Hair grow quickly & effectively.