Everything you need to know about Follicular Unit Extraction hair transplant



    Follicular unit extraction is a hair transplant treatment that is gaining popularity day by day. There are numerous benefits if you undergo FUE hair restoration treatment that are mentioned below:

    • Natural hair growth
    • Minimal downtime
    • Painless surgery
    • Lifelong results and so on

    What is FUE?

    Follicular unit extraction is a hair restoration procedure that will help you in regaining hair. The surgeon will perform the surgery by taking out individual hair follicles from the scalp of the patient and transplant it into the barren areas. During the surgery, the surgeon uses micro punches to extract the hair follicle. The surgeon will ensure whether the patient is a suitable candidate for the surgery or not.

    Cost of FUE hair restoration?

    The cost of FUE hair transplant surgery depends upon numerous factors that are mentioned below:

    • Labor cost
    • The health of the person
    • The method used to extract the hair follicles
    • Area of baldness and so on.

    What is the method of FUE hair transplantation?

    The follicular unit extraction is time-consuming, which needs utmost precision. Below is the procedure of the surgery.

    • Prior evaluation

    The surgeon will check the patient’s mobility, position, donor area, hair follicles thickness, and much more. The surgeon also checks the presence or absence of retrograde alopecia in the scalp of the patient as it helps the doctor to check the number of donor areas.

    • Preparations

    The surgeon will give local anesthesia to the patient before beginning hair restoration surgery. He will also shave the patient’s donor area as well as the recipient area.

    • Extraction of hair grafts

    For extracting the hair follicle, the surgeon will make a tiny incision of 1 mm in diameter on the donor area. After making an incision, the surgeon isolates a graft and the surgeon will extract the follicular unit from the scalp. In this way, the surgeon will extract all the other hair follicular units. After extracting the surgeon will keep all the follicles in a solution so that they will keep them safe.

    • Implantation of a hair follicle in the scalp

    After extracting, the surgeon will take a break and then start implanting the follicular unit in the scalp. The surgeon will insert the hair follicular through tiny incisions. After inserting the follicles in the scalp, the surgeon will cover the scalp with bandages.

    The target area of the FUE method?

    The FUE method is done to regrow the hair on the scalp where a person is experiencing thinning or balding.

    The risk or side effects of the FUE procedure

    FUE is a safe procedure that helps the person to regrow the hair back on the scalp. Usually, there are no side effects or risks included in the surgery. But in some cases people experience things that are mentioned below:

    • Swelling
    • Bleeding
    • Numbness
    • Infections
    • Pain and so on