Could Your Profession Be Causing Your Hair Loss

Having hair loss because of a profession


    Factors such as genetics, diet, and lack of hair care are the primary causes of hair loss. However, many people are unaware of the impact of a profession on their hair. According to recent studies, it has been discovered that high-stress job professions can be enfeebling for hair health, resulting in conditions such as telogen effluvium. Professions involving high stress are more likely to experience hair loss induced by stress. Read on to learn about the industries that cause hair loss, ranging from the most to the least affecting professions.

    The Industries at High Risk of Stress-Related Hair Loss


    Transportation and Storage

    The profession of transportation and storage has been placed at the top of the list of the highest stress-causing professions, with a stress score of 70 out of 100. The stress in this sector is the highest among all the sectors, and according to research, people within the profession take six sick days annually, which is the highest number among all sectors. The long working hours and the low wages make this job a high pressure job profession.  If you wish to manage your hair condition, an ASG hair transplant offers you the best transplant treatment options



    With a stress score of 64.4 out of 100 occupations, stress holds second place in the education sector. 


    The analysis of the data suggested that workers in the education sector take 5.6 sick days every year. Despite having a high salary, the workers in this profession are susceptible to stress-induced hair due to 35.9 hours of workload every week, which impedes their ability to maintain an adequate work-life balance. 



    This job profession features an overall stress score of 62.2 out of 100, ranking as the third-most stressed profession in the top 5 stressful sectors. The employees in the construction industry are the highest earners among the top 5 industries. However, they also have the longest working hours, 40 hours a week. 


    The long working hours for construction workers are accompanied by a high-risk environment, which can increase overall stress. The stress might lead to hair loss, so you might want to opt for hair transplant treatment. There are a few important things to consider before a hair transplant, for which you can consult your healthcare provider. 


    Water Supply

    Featuring an overall stress score of 58.9 out of 100, the water supply has one of the highest sick days, with 7.6 sick leaves every year. The employees in this profession work more than average working hours, with 39.9 hours of work every week, and the salary is significantly lower than the overall average of the industries. 


    Human Health and Social Work

    This job sector shows a stress score of 58.9 out of 100, which is similar to the stress level of the water supply industry. Despite having a higher number of sick days each year, with 8.9 days and the lowest paid salary, it experienced a hike of 7% in the last two years, which significantly mitigates the stress level. The working hours in the sector surpass the average working hours of the education sector with 37.5 hours. 

    Stress is one of the major factors contributing to hair loss, especially at an early age, and most of the stress in one’s life depends upon the type of job or profession one has. Some people also wonder if smoking leads to hair loss. To get a comprehensive understanding of the causes of hair loss, it is ideal to consult a hair specialist to learn about the reasons for hair and baldness and to know why you should get a hair transplant done. Consulting an expert will allow you to make well-informed decisions to effectively manage your condition.