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Ans:- There are many factors to consider. By far, the Number One cause of what most people call “common baldness.” It occurs in various patterns and affects both males and females.

The most common form is male-pattern baldness (or Androgenic alopecia). Men who have this type of hair loss usually inherit it. The scale above shows that the pattern is defined by loss at the top of the scalp and regression at the hairline. It affects a large portion of the population and can start as early as adolescence and increase with age. Men in their 50s have a 50% chance of showing some degree of hair loss. The overall average is about 66%. Most people with some pattern loss will eventually progress to advanced stages of baldness. Men who start losing hair at an early age experience more extensive baldness.

The exact cause and mechanics of hair loss is not completely understood, though genetics and hormones play an important role.

  • Surgery can cause hair loss. For example, about 3 or 4 months after an illness or major surgery, you may suddenly lose a large amount of hair. This loss is related to the stress of the illness or surgery and is temporary.
  • Hormonal problems can contribute. An over- or under active thyroid can cause hair to fall out. Treating the thyroid disease can usually offset this. If male or female hormones, called androgens or estrogens swing out of balance, your hair can suffer. Again, correcting the imbalance can stop this loss.
  • Many women experience hair loss about 3 months after they’ve had a baby. This is usually the result of a hormonal imbalance. During pregnancy certain hormones cause the body to keep hair that would normally fall out. When the hormones return to their regular levels, that hair falls out and the normal cycle of growth and loss start again.
  • Some medicines can cause hair loss. This improves after you stop taking the medicine. These include blood thinners (also called anticoagulants), medications for gout, chemotherapy for cancer, vitamin A (if too much is taken) birth control pills and antidepressants.
  • Sometimes an underlying disease can be the culprit. Lupus or diabetes is known to cause hair loss. Since hair loss can indicate an early sign of a disease, it’s important to find the cause so it can be treated.

Ans:- Hair that falls out in the shower is already gone. Showering won’t make a difference.

Ans:- Perhaps. Your doctor will probably ask you some questions about your diet, any medications you’re taking, whether you’ve had a recent illness and how you take care of your hair. If you’re a woman, your doctor may ask questions about your menstrual cycle, pregnancies and menopause. You may be asked to take a physical exam to rule out other causes of hair loss. Blood tests or a biopsy (taking a small sample of cells to examine under a microscope) may be needed.Your doctor may check for:

  • interactions with prescription drugs
  • interactions with dietary supplements
  • disease related factors
  • sexually transmitted diseases
  • thyroid disease
  • bacterial or fungal infections
  • seborrhea and psoriasis
  • other factors

Ans:- Yes. If you wear pigtails or cornrows…or use tight hair rollers, the pull on your hair can cause a type of hair loss called “traction alopecia.” If the pulling is stopped before scarring of the scalp develops, your hair will grow back normally. Scarring, however, can cause permanent hair loss. Hot oil hair treatments or chemical used for permanents may cause inflammation (swelling) of the hair follicles, which can result in scarring, too.

Ans:- Depending on your type of hair loss, various treatments are available. If it’s caused by a medicine, your doctor may change your medication. Recognizing and treating an infection may help stop hair loss. Or correcting a hormone imbalance may be an effective solution.But if you’re like 95% of all hair loss sufferers, your problem is Androgenic alopecia. Fortunately there are two medicines that have been shown to be VERY effective against this condition. One is Minoxodil, the now famous ingredient in many hair loss treatments. The other is tretinoin – also known as Retin-A. Remox, our exclusive medication provides the strongest concentration of Minoxidil allowed by the FDA, along with the optimum dosage of tretinoin in an easy to use, high absorbable, inexpensive form.

There is also another option for men: PROMOXâ„¢. In fact, a recent triple-blind study shows it is up to 75% more effective than Minoxidil alone. (Note: PROMOXâ„¢ is not indicated for women.) An online evaluation and consultation with Dr. ABC are required.

Ans:- According to the American Academy of Dermatology, it’s a growing problem, affecting some 30 million women in the United States – 20% of women – 40% of them, under age 40. Like male pattern baldness, not all the reasons are completely understood.Female pattern hair loss is a broader term that can include more factors, like excess testosterone, many other types of enzymes, as well as hormone receptors and blockers. One strong indicator of the difference between male and female balding is the pattern of loss itself (see Norwood Scale above.) Female pattern baldness can encompass the whole top of the head in diffuse way. Men lose it on the temple, the crown, and the bald spot in the back. 50% of women who are losing their hair suffer from female pattern baldness.

Dyes, bleaches and permanent waves can also cause problems for women and men.

Also, with balding men, it’s almost always genetic; with women it can be genetic or otherwise and can occur any time. Even when female pattern baldness is the diagnosis, an underlying condition can be the cause. In cases when the condition can be treated, hair loss can be corrected.

Ans:- One of chief factor contributing to hair loss among black women (and some black men) is the use of hair relaxers. Relaxers often contain harsh chemicals and even when used properly can sometimes weaken the hair. Hot combs can cause progressive and irreversible hair loss from the crown and across the entire scalp.. Also, hair weaves or corn rows can pull on the scalp, causing loss. This is called “traction alopecia”. This last conditions can be reversed, provided there’s no scarring.

Ans:- Yes. The transplanted hair is removed from one area of the body (donor site) and transferred to another (recipient site). The transferred tissue is not “rejected” as it is not foreign tissue. The transplanted hair maintains its own characteristics; color, texture, growth rate, and curl, after transplantation and regrowth. The vitality of the grafted follicle is maintained by the rich blood supply to the scalp. Originally many years ago, large circular grafts (commonly called ‘plugs’) containing 15-20 hairs were transplanted resulting in noticeably unnatural results. Over years, instruments and techniques have been developed that allow hair transplant surgeons to achieve truly natural results by transplanting large numbers of small grafts very close together. We have found that hair grows from the scalp in groups of one, two, or three (and rarely, four) hair follicles, called “follicular units.” We can transfer these groups of follicles, called “follicular unit grafts,” after eliminating the excess surrounding tissue. This allows the grafts to be placed closer together resulting in a denser and more natural result. A significant amount of artistry is also needed in order to recreate the natural patterns of hair growth.

Ans:- Yes. Today’s highly trained and up-to-date surgeons, using a combination of artistry and technology, can recreate hairlines and crown coverage in a manner that truly defies detection. Progressing beyond the old style ‘plug-type’ transplants has been possible using advanced techniques which allow the transplantation of large numbers of small grafts. An appreciation for the natural shape and patterns of hair growth allows surgeons to create wavy, randomized hairlines that look natural.

Ans:- Most people are surprised at how little pain there is during a hair transplant procedure today. Some discomfort is to be expected as the anesthetic is injected into the scalp. Once the skin is anesthetized, there is no pain. If the numbing medicine wears off during the course of the procedure, more is injected to re-anesthetize the area. Advances in local anesthetic and the way it is applied allow for a comfortable and relaxing procedure. Most patients watch movies, listen to music or nap during their procedure.

Ans:- There are several non-surgical options available to you at Santangelo Hair Replacement in Buffalo, such as the our exclusive SensiGraft procedure, among others.

Sometimes stress can play a role in diffuse loss. Stress-induced loss ordinarily regrows within a year of eliminating the cause. In the absence of any prolonged emotional or physical trauma that has noticeably affected your overall health, stress is not likely the cause. Crash dieting, medical conditions, certain medications, pregnancy, and other major life changes can initiate stress-shedding however. In some cases extreme emotional tension for prolonged periods of time can have an effect as well.

However if you are a male between the ages of 18 and 35 and you are seeing thinning hair or hair loss in the traditional patterns, you are most likely experiencing male pattern baldness, and should consider a treatment regimen.

Thinning hair in women often reverses itself with time, or if the imbalance is detected and resolved, but may also require traditional antiandrogen or growth stimulant treatments. Please view our Women’s Guide to Hair Loss Treatment and our Men’s Guide to Hair Loss Treatment for specifics.

• Frequent shampooing contributes to hair loss
• Hats and wigs cause hair loss
• 100 strokes of the hair brush daily will create healthier hair
• Permanent hair loss is caused by perms, colors and other cosmetic treatments
• Women are expected to develop significant hair loss if they are healthy
• Shaving one’s head will cause the hair to grow back thicker
• Standing on one’s head will cause increased circulation and thereby stimulate hair growth
• Dandruff causes permanent hair loss
• There are cosmetic products that will cause the hair to grow thicker and faster
• Stress causes permanent hair loss
• Hair loss does not occur in the late teens or early twenties
• Hair loss affects only intellectuals
• There is a cure for Androgenetic Alopecia

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