Hair Loss Treatment: Everything About Hair Transplant Surgery

About hair transplantation Punjab


    Hair loss is a common condition, which is experienced by both men and women once a life. There are several reasons behind hair fall conditions, including fluctuations in hormones, pregnancy, certain medications, cancer treatment, genetics or family history, and several other things.

    Additionally, if a person loses almost 100 hair a day, then it is considered as normal hair loss. But if a person starts losing almost 200 hair a day, then he is surely suffering from hair fall condition. In this case, you have to talk to a specialist, so that he can examine your condition and recommend a suitable hair loss treatment.

    What is a Hair Transplantation?

    Hair transplant is a surgical procedure, which is specially designed for those, who are suffering from extreme hair loss or male pattern baldness. This treatment is too popular among people due to its better results as well as natural-looking permanent hair growth.

    Additionally, hair transplant surgery has two types including FUE and FUT. In which FUE explains as Follicular Unit Extraction, which is a completely recent and advanced method to treat hair fall. Whereas FUT stands for Follicular Unit Transplantation, it is a conventional way to get rid of hair fall problems. No doubt, both treatment options are best, but you choose according to your hair loss type.

    How does hair transplantation perform?

    As we stated above, hair transplantation is a surgical procedure, and this treatment option works with your own hair graft.

    • First of all, your surgeon examines your condition during the first consultation and tries to know the reason behind the hair loss condition.
    • And On the day of hair transplantation, he first prepares the donor area, such as the back of the scalp to collect the hair follicles to transplant at the bald area.
    • After collecting the hair grafts, he prepares them and transplants them in the needy area.

    Expectations and Recovery

    Recovery is a crucial period for every surgical treatment. You have to be extra careful after getting a hair transplant surgery. Certain fast recovery tips are-:

    • You must avoid going outside in the direct sunlight because it will surely harm your skin badly.
    • You must go with prescribed medications only in case you feel pain or discomfort too.
    • Make sure, you do not touch the transplanted region, because it is too sensitive or touchy as well.
    • Additionally, you have to wear bandages over the transplanted region at least for two days.
    • You must avoid any type of physical activity, which leads you to sweat as well as itching too.
    • You can go back to your work within a week, but still, you have to take care of newly transplanted hair.