Unravel The Secret To Natural Hair Growth–Step-By-Step Journey

Unravel the Secret to Natural Hair Growth Your Step-by-Step Guide


    For individuals seeking to restore their confidence and rejuvenate their overall look, a hair transplant rapidly emerges as the most favourable choice for those dealing with severe hair fall. Hair loss is beyond just a cosmetic issue–it impacts your confidence and daily activities. If you are pursuing a hair transplant treatment, acknowledging the procedure and its growth is imperative to making a wise decision. 

    In this comprehensive guide, we will explore what hair transplant entails and provide you with a detailed week-by-week insight into the journey to shinier and healthier hair. 

    What defines a hair transplant? 

    A hair transplant is a less invasive surgical method that encompasses relocating healthy hair follicles from a donor area, usually from the back or sides of your scalp, to areas suffering from hair thinning or baldness. The two most preferred and result-driven procedures are: 

    • FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction): 

    In this procedure, the donor’s active hair follicles are removed and transplanted in the areas where required. 

    • FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation): 

    A section of skin with hair is excised and then transferred to the affected location. 

    Both techniques are result-driven, and the selection is entirely based on aspects such as excessive hair fall, your specific requirements, and the surgeon’s advice. 

    Breaking down the progress of hair transplant treatment

    1st week: Healing starts

    After the treatment, minimal swelling, redness, and scabbing in the recipient region is normal. These are part of the recovery process. You may experience that renewed hair appears in small patches. Still, we are not yet at a stage to observe any substantial outcomes. Incorporate the aftercare recommendations precisely provided by your surgeon to prevent major infections. 

    2nd Week: Scabs falling naturally

    The scabs that develop over the transplanted areas begin to come off naturally at this stage. The transplanted area looks cleaner, and the mild redness begins to heal. But, you may experience some hair falling, which is completely common and doesn’t influence your end results. 

    3rd to 4th week: Hair fall period

    This is specifically known as the “shock loss” period, where the renewed hair begins to shed. Don’t panic, as it is a prevalent part of this treatment as the follicles enter a resting phase before new hair growth. 

    1st to 3rd month: Dormancy phase

    Your scalp at this stage may seem like it looked before the treatment; however, underneath, rejuvenated and shinier strands are getting ready to emerge. You will need patience, as immediate outcomes won’t be apparent. 

    4th to 6th month: New growth 

    It’s the time when you can observe new hair growth. Healthy, baby-like hair begins to grow from the transplanted follicles. With the passage of time, these hair enhance in volume and extend in length. 

    6th to 9th month: Impressive results 

    By the 6th to 9th month, many patients start to see significant progress. The restored hair begins to grow at a more noticeable pace, blending well with your natural hair. This is the phase where the results of the treatment start to become more apparent, and you can begin to enjoy the fuller head of hair you’ve been working towards. 

    1 year and beyond: A fuller head 

    After a year, the complete results of the hair transplant treatment appeared. If you attentively follow your surgeon’s aftercare recommendations, the restored hair looks natural and is long-lasting.

    Safeguard your confidence and hair with ASG Hair Transplant. Schedule a comprehensive consultation today and immerse yourself towards a healthier, bolder future.

    Why choose ASG Hair Transplant? 

    A hair transplant is just beyond a surgical procedure–it is a worthy investment in retrieving your self-esteem and quality of life. Observing your hair growing every week reflects exceptional progress in contemporary hair-growing methods. The outcomes? A healthier, fuller, and real-looking hair that feels like your natural hair. 

    At ASG Hair Transplant, we have realised how crucial and life-changing this journey is. The reason why we are dedicated to offering you the best expertise, care, and support you require at every step of the way. With cutting-edge technology and a team of experienced surgeons, we provide outcomes that speak for themselves.