Hair transplant: How can you plan for hair transplant treatment in India?

Hair transplant How can you plan for hair transplant treatment in India



    Hair transplant is one of the best treatment options out there for hair loss. There is no denying the fact, there is no other treatment or medication, which can work wonders as a hair transplant. With technological advancement, hair transplant treatment has improved and the way it provides the results. If you are planning to get the treatment, hair transplant in India then you must plan.

    Do you know?

    Patients pay around 20% to 25% of the cost to get a hair transplant in India as compared to other developed nations like Europe, America, Australia, and Europe. This is one of the reasons patients from abroad visit India to get hair transplant surgery.

    How can I plan for a hair transplant?

    Get started on making the necessary arrangements

    Hair transplant is a surgical approach during which the hair grafts are extracted from the healthy part of the scalp to take them to the bald part. It is one of those treatments which provides the patient high satisfaction. The best part is that the treatment does not lead to negative side effects and the success rate is more than 95%. If you are planning to get the treatment, here’s what you need to do:

    • Schedule the initial consultation

    Make sure that you book yourself a prior appointment at the best hair transplant clinic in India. During the consultation, it will be easier for you to understand how the treatment is carried out and you will be able to ask all your concerns about the treatment.

    In case you are traveling to India, then you can even have an online consultation. However, it is important to have a face-to-face consultation with your hair expert. Ask the doctor to send you an invitation letter, so that you can apply for the medical visa.

    • An important consideration before surgery

    Here are some of the things, which you need to take into consideration before you plan for the surgery:

    • Do not smoke, 2 weeks before the surgery.
    • Do not take multivitamins and medications, 7 days before the surgery.
    • Make sure to keep the scalp clean before the treatment.
    • If you have dandruff, then make sure to consult the doctor about it.
    • Tell the doctor about your medical condition

    In case you have any medical condition at present or in the past, then you need to tell them about the same. Consultation is an important part to prepare for the treatment as it makes it easier to have in-depth information about your condition & treatment.

    • Shave the scalp

    You need to shave the scalp before the hair transplant. It takes around 2 to 3 weeks for the hair to grow back and no one will notice this.

    What is it like after the hair transplant surgery?

    • After the hair transplant, there will be swelling on the scalp for 3 to 5 days. For that doctor will suggest to you the tips you need to follow. You can wear the cap on the 3rd day following the surgery.
    • Make sure that you avoid sun exposure for at least 3 weeks, after the surgery.

    How long do I need to stay in India for a hair transplant?

    On average, you need to stay for around 7 days in India to get a hair transplant. Although, every patient’s condition is different from others so make sure that you consult the doctor and plan the trip accordingly.