What Do Businessmen Say About Hair Transplantation?

What Do Businessmen Say About Hair Transplantation?


    As a businessman, I hardly compromise with my appearance on a daily basis. Yes, I have to meet people, fly abroad for meetings, get in touch with new tycoons, and I believe that my appearance is one of the best marketing strategies to rely on. Lately, I have added a few cosmetic treatments to my regime among which include fillers as well as a gynecomastia surgery. Sincerely, I have fallen in love with my new appearance, making it a top investment in my world.

    To take you back to the drawing table, I actually suffered from hair loss for several years. Those were the intense days when I had to opt for various strategies to develop my business. It was pretty hard and during those days, I noticed a receding hairline. It was perplexing and I knew that in no big time, I would go bald.

    I resorted to some hair loss treatments to slow down the process. Luckily enough, they paid off in the first year, but months evolved, my bald spot only enlarged. With that, I knew that a hair transplant would become my last resort one day.

    What Does It Mean to Undergo a Hair Transplant as a Businessman?

    Your decision will surely be supported by your peers, but just like any other individual, you will probably battle with fear and anxiety. A consultation is required to learn more about your customized hair transplant procedure since the procedures are generally personalized. My hair transplant surgeon utilized the FUE technology, but there is more you must know about these hair transplant technologies.

    There are generally two types of hair transplant methods and they include; Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT). Both methods are performed by harvesting follicles from another region of the scalp or the body and then implanting them in the bald regions, but the difference remains to be the collection style. With the FUE, the surgeon uses a micropunch of a medium diameter to extract individual grafts, whereas, with the FUT technique, a surgical blade is utilized to get a strip from the back of your scalp, which is then dissected under a microscope.

    body hair transplant results

    Advantages of Hair Transplantation for Businessmen

    Hair transplant procedures are considered some of the best transformative procedures in the cosmetic sphere. For the case of a businessman, a hair transplant will make you appear smarter and more attractive. This is because these modern technologies are definitely different from the traditional plugging approaches that can easily result in a doll-like appearance.

    Each hair transplant method is associated with its own good and bad, but with the FUE approach, you are assured of a shorter downtime and probably, you won’t appoint representatives during any meeting. The post-op period may require two days since there are no big wounds created and there is no bleeding. With the FUT approach, you will probably require a week off for the stitched wound to heal. There are also increased incidences of bleeding and fluid discharge which may appear nasty to your peers.

    How Much Can a Hair Transplant Cost a Businessman?

    The procedure may cost you between Rs. 68, 000 and 1 lakh, but your level of hair loss and the hair transplant centre are major cost determinants. For a rich businessman, cost constraints are low and a majority hardly feels the pressure. Try to review the centre’s success rate to obtain natural results.