Hair loss treatment: What you need to know about Finasteride?

Everything about finasteride - ASG Hair Transplant Centre Punjab


    ASG Hair Transplant Centre Punjab: Hair loss is common in males, due to several reasons. Some people experience excessive hair fall or baldness due to poor nutrition, obesity, hormonal changes, smoking, chronic diseases, and so on. These all the lifestyle changes lead you to certain health conditions include Hair fall. 

    You must get the check-up from hair loss specialist so that you can know the reason behind hair fall. He may recommend you hair transplant in Punjab according to your condition. 

    Types of Hair fall that can only be treated

    Millions of people are suffering from hair fall condition these days. There are several forms of hair loss, and every form of hair fall is caused due to several different things. These include:

    • Male pattern baldness, this is also known as Androgenic Alopecia, which is caused due to genetic reasons. In this condition, your hair starts shrinking, that leads you to hair thinning or breakage. In this condition, you can go with this finasteride solution and tablets to get rid of this.

    • Telogen Effluvium, this type of hair loss is caused due to over-stress. If you are suffering from this type of hair fall, then you must go with finasteride, that is helpful to remove the stressor so that your hair can grow faster.

    • Alopecia Areata, this is an autoimmune condition, in this condition, your own immune system attacks your hair follicles. Well, this condition can be treated with the help of oral medications such as finasteride solution or tablet according to your condition.

    Except from finasteride, there are so many other hair loss treatments available but those will give you some relief, and they are too expensive. These include:

    Laser Combs: You may not know that laser combs are available with low laser, that cannot fully treat your condition. This is a too expensive treatment for hair loss.

    Hair Oils: No doubt, hair oils are essential to grow hair faster, but they do not cure your hair loss. You may feel itching after applying several oils on your scalp., so you must go with finasteride instead of hair oils.

    Surgical treatment: This includes Hair transplant, artificial hair implantation, and scalp reduction. These will surely give you real relief but these all are painful treatments as well as expensive.

    Working of Finasteride for hair loss.

    This oral medication is available in the form of a solution or tablet. You may not know, this is useful to stop testosterone converting into DHT. This DHT is responsible for hair loss in men. You must go with it only after getting a check-up from the specialist. He will tell you how to use it for effective results.