Can I go with hair loss medication to treat hair fall as well as hair regrowth?

Hair loss medications for hair regrowth


    Hair loss is almost experienced by everyone once in life. This is a common condition in both sexes, that can be cured itself without any problem. However, sometimes you need to go through surgical treatment that is known as hair transplantation.

    Hair transplant in Punjab is too well-known among people who are suffering from excessive hair fall or baldness as well. This is the best treatment option for hair fall, which has two types such as FUT and FUE. Well, if you are suffering from normal hair fall, then you must go through hair fall medications. 

    Now, let’s have a look at these medications to stop hair fall.

    What are the medications available in order to stop hair fall in both sexes?

    Well, there are several types of medications that will help you to stop hair fall, but you need to go through-:

    Minoxidil-: This medication is additionally known as Rogaine, which is available without a prescription at medical stores. This is specially designed for both sexes and available in the form of a solution. In addition to this, you can simply spray it to the affected area twice a day.

    Finasteride-: Finasteride is also known as Propecia, which you can only but with specialist’s prescription. This is available in the form of pills and you have to take only once a day. Moreover, pregnant women avoid this medication because it leads to birth defects as well. So, if you want to go with this treatment option, then you must get a prescription from a doctor first, only after that, you can buy this medication to stop hair fall.

    Are these medicines effective to stop hair fall?

    These medications work according to your age and affected area or area where you are experiencing hair fall. If you are going with these medications, then you have to understand both these medications take 6 months in order to show their results. You may not know that these medications are helpful to stop hair fall and promote hair growth.


    Minoxidil is valuable to prevent hair fall and promote hair growth as well. You may not know that this is the most effective solution that gives you the best and mind-blowing results.


    This is the best therapy and medicine for inherited or hereditary hair loss for men. If you are suffering from hair fall and struggling to regrow your hair. Then you must go with this treatment option because this will help you to grow hair faster.