Dandruff Problems: Treatment & Home Remedies

Dandruff Problems: Treatment & Home Remedies


    Dandruff is one of the commonest scalp/hair condition affecting both males and females, although females tend to suffer more as they keep hair to a longer length. Dandruff is generally harmless, but untreated dandruff conditions may make your life a living hell in addition to the embarrassments it causes.

    What is Dandruff?

    Dandruff is flakes of skin that appear on your scalp. It is an itchy condition and its effects or damage differ from one patient to another. It should be noted that dandruff is a different condition from Seborrheic Dermatitis and medical reports indicate that people with seborrheic dermatitis are more likely have dandruff.

    Causes of Dandruff

    The exact cause of dandruff is unknown, but some reports indicate that it is triggered by hormones during the period of puberty.

    Other medical reports confirm that dandruff develops due to the overproduction of sebum, an oil produced by the sebaceous glands or the excessive action of a yeast-like fungus, known as Malassezia. It is thought that this yeast feeds on excess oil and dead scalp cells, resulting in a faster renewal of the skin. This leads to the formation of the flakes that are seen while or after combing the hair.

    Other causes include

    • Dry skin

    • Poor hygiene

    • A reaction triggered by a shampoo

    • Tight hairstyles

    • Climatic conditions

    The Process of Dandruff Formation

    The presence of Malassezia globosa, a micro-organism in the scalp at times triggers dandruff conditions. The Malassezia feeds on the sebum (oil), secreted by the scalp and breaks it down into a byproduct, which also includes the Oleic Acid. As a result, the keratinocytes will form a protective barrier to protect the body from the damage caused by either the bacteria, fungus, or the virus. In case there is an excessive production of oil in the scalp, triggered by the microbial action, the Malassezia yeast will bind to the sebum.

    An epidermal inflammatory reaction against the microbe is then triggered which causes the exfoliation of the keratinocytes and later on, the scalp becomes irritated, dry, and scaly, which forms dandruff.

    Dandruff Treatment

    Excessive levels of dandruff should surely make you see a dermatologist for better treatment approaches. Although dandruff is said to be incurable, a combination of clinical and home remedies can help reduce its occurrence.

    Home Remedies for Dandruff

    A couple of tips can be utilized to slow down the production of the skin cells or keep the scalp clean.

    • Coconut Oil

    It is considered the best remedy for dandruff since it has anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties that nourish and soothe the scalp. You may have to use at least 2 tablespoons of coconut oil and lemon juice thrice a week.

    • Apple Cider Vinegar

    It contains probiotics and possesses anti-inflammatory properties, which helps you get rid of the yeast or virus. You may want to use this in case of severe dandruff cases.

    • Neem Leaves

    It is an excellent treatment for an itchy scalp as well as a good anti-hair fall.

    You may also want to try the following to get rid of dandruff

    • Tea tree oil

    • Curd

    • Baking Soda

    • Fenugreek Seeds

    • Lemon Juice

    • Salt

    • Garlic

    Use hair products that contain;

    • Ketoconazole

    • Zinc pyrithione

    • Coal tar

    • Selenium sulfide

    • Salicylic acids

    What you must know about Dandruff

    • People with a dry skin have a higher risk of dandruff

    • Medical conditions like Parkinson’s disease or HIV can trigger dandruff. Also, those recovering from a stroke or a heart attack may also attain dandruff.

    • Stress can also trigger it

    • Complications from dandruff can also be experienced and these include swelling, blistering, and tenderness.

    • It can also attack babies.