How a doctor is your Best Friend when you are suffering from hair loss?

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    Everyone loves the smooth and long hair, but not everyone has this type of hair. Since, everyone experience hair loss once in a life, in order to treat it they use so many products, which also leads them to excessive hair fall.

    Hair loss in women is common which caused due to many factors. Usually, hair loss is cured itself however, many times you need to go through a medical procedure such as hair transplant in Ludhiana.

    Causes of hair loss in women

    There are several causes such as-:

    • Hormones play an important role in hair growth. If you are suffering from fluctuations in hormones, you will surely experience the hair fall. Women are born with two main hormones such as estrogen and progestin, they also have male hormone-like androgen. So, they experience high levels of androgens and low levels of estrogen then, you will surely experience hair fall.
    • Many girls make tight ponytails, which leads to hair breakage and thinning. You may also experience bald spots due to excessive hairstyles. This will also prevent hair growth or harm hair follicles, which are responsible for hair growth.
    • Sometimes you may experience this condition due to genetic reasons, which means if your parents are suffering from hair loss, then you will surely experience hair fall in life. This type of hair fall is known as hereditary hair loss.

    How a doctor is your best friend during your hair loss condition?

    You may not be aware of it that doctor is your best friend in any situation. If you are suffering from excessive hair loss, then must talk to a specialist. He will surely suggest you something related to hair loss, however, first of all, he will examine your condition and then recommend you treatment option. There are various hair loss treatments-:

    Oral medications

    if you are suffering from normal hair loss, he will surely tell you to go with medications. Or if you are taking a certain type of medications which leads to hair loss, you should stop taking them immediately.

    Minoxidil and Finasteride

    These both are available in lotion and tablet form, you can choose according to your problem. Well, no doubt, these both are useful to treat hair loss, but these give you a temporary solution for your problem.

    Hair transplant Punjab:

    This is a completely secure and safe surgical procedure, which has specialization to offer you the best treatment. Hair transplant procedure has two types of methods, those with the types are beneficial for you.