What are the topmost common factors which affect the Hair transplant cost?

Factors That Consider The Cost of Hair Transplant in Punjab



    The decision to undergo the treatment of Hair transplant in Punjab is an important decision to make. The most important factor to undergo the treatment is to select experienced and trained professionals.

    Here we are going to understand the final cost of the procedure.


    What are the items included in the Hair transplant cost?

    There are different factors included in the final cost of hair transplant and these includes:

    • The hair transplant type the doctor will perform which includes FUE and FUT.
    • The part of the country where treatment is performed.
    • The additional fees charged by the surgeon or the medical facility.
    • If there is any travel cost mentioned by the doctor for the visit.
    • Cost of per hair graft charged by the hair surgeon.

    If you have any doubt regarding the total treatment cost which includes the cost of each item in the total cost will be addressed by the surgeon when you visit for the doctor’s consultation. Some of the basic items used in the treatment are


    Type of Hair Transplant

    • Follicular Unit Extraction

    FUE is when the doctor transplants the hair grafts one by one from the donor area and then transplant them to the problematic area. This technique is not going to leave a linear scar on the scalp since the grafts are removed and transplanted individually with precision.

    • Follicular Unit Transplant

    FUT is a hair transplant method that is performed by the surgeon transplanting the strip of hair from the back of the scalp and then transplanting it to the problematic area.

    Both these methods are highly effective in giving the desired results you want. The final results are permanent and natural-looking which you are looking for.

    • Area of the Country

    The area of the country where the treatment is performed can affect the final cost of the treatment. The cost of treatment in India is affordable as compared to other nations. Opting for the country which gives you an economical budget is the ideal choice you need to make.

    • Cost per Hair Graft

    The total cost of the treatment will also depend on the cost of the graft. The charge of the hair grafts can vary across the country. You should not opt for cheap treatment because it won’t give you the desired results you need. Correctly make the final choice to deal with hair loss issues once and for all.

    • Travel Costs

    You need to consider the travel cost if you are traveling to another city or state. Consider the travel expenses such as plane ticket and hotel cost for 2 to 3 nights. Consider how you are going to travel for the doctor’s appointment to undergo hair restoration without any issue.