When a person can wear a helmet after undergoing hair transplant surgery?

When a person can wear a helmet after undergoing hair transplant surgery


    Love driving a bike but facing hair loss problems. Undergoing hair transplant surgery is a good choice. The surgery will help you in regaining your hair. Hair plays a crucial role in personality development. If you are not having enough hair on your head then it can make or break your look.

     But before getting into this let us know what is hair transplant? 

    Hair transplantation is a technique which helps to regain your hair which you lost due to following reasons like stress, improper balance diet, medications, diseases. FUE and FUT are the methods which are getting hype these days. They both are a surgical method which you can choose by consulting your doctor what suits your hair loss condition the best.

    What is FUE and FUT?


    Follicular unit extraction is the type of method in which the surgeon will harvest the hair individually and transfer the hair grafts into the problematic area. Usually, the surgeon takes hair grafts from the back of the scalp or various parts of the body. This is a minimally invasive procedure which will be done with less pain.


    Follicular unit transplant is the type of method in which the surgeon harvest the strip from the back of the scalp and transplant the hair into the area where a bald patch or thining is there.

    The patient can choose any type of method depending upon the condition of the scalp. He should consult a surgeon before undergoing the surgery which will tell him whether he is a good candidate or not. The surgeries are cost-effective which will not make a hole in the pocket.

    When can you wear the helmet after the surgery?

    • No matter how much you love driving a bike. You should avoid wearing a helmet at least for two to three weeks. If you will start wearing helmet post-surgery then it might harm your transplanted hair graft and you end up losing your hair.
    • They instruct the patient not to wash his hair for two weeks after the hair transplant surgery.
    • Always remember your hair grafts will be as sensitive as cotton. So don’t spoil them by wearing a helmet after the surgery.
    • Wearing a helmet can cause sweat which leads to falling of hair graf from the scalp.

    Your surgeon will give you instructions properly on how you can take care of your scalp mentioned below:

    • Surgeons advise the patient not to do activities which can harm your scalp such as heavy workouts, lifting heavy things, etc.
    • They instruct the patient not to wash his hair for two weeks after the hair transplant surgery.
    • The patient should eat as healthy as he can.
    • The patient should sleep on his side instead of sleeping on your back.
    • The patient should take medicines from time to time prescribed by the surgeon.