Causes of Hair Fall, How to Prevent Hair Fall?

All about hair transplant


    Many individuals of today’s generation are stressed due to heavy hair loss, especially during rainy seasons. Almost every other person is dealing with the rising rate of hair fall. Do you ever want to know the reasons behind hair loss or how to prevent it? Getting natural hair back with prevention is a slow and long process, so with the fact of hair loss, many adopt the way of transplant to get the hair back. Many clinics do hair transplant in Ludhiana

    The hair transplant cost in India, which is spent to get the artificial hair done, is around 25000 INR to 1 lakh. The choice of transplant is totally upon the individual. Still, there are many natural ways to get the natural hair back by consulting a Trichologist who treats scalp and hair loss-related issues. 

    These are some major causes of hair loss: 

    How weather affects hair fall:

    Most hair loss problems start in rainy seasons as humidity is also increased, which leads to the growth of fungi and bacteria. It affects the scalp very badly, which is a major reason for hair loss. 

    Infections on the scalp trigger hair fall:

    The root cause behind scalp infections is that wet hair for long hours can cause scalp acne, dandruff, and seborrheic dermatitis, further weakening hair roots and making the hair fall worse. 

    Lack of vitamin D:

    Our scalp and hairs need vitamin D in a sufficient amount, and lacking it can cause hair fall. The main reason for the increase in hair fall is during the rainy season. We rarely get a chance to dry hair in the sun as humidity is also very high during the season.

    Products used on the hair should be noticed: 

    Many of us change our hair care routines as the rainy season begins. We started trying different products on our hair. But the humid weather makes it worse, and hair fall increases. The routines should be changed only after a consultation with a doctor. 

    So these were the causes of hair fall. Let’s see how to prevent hair fall: 

    A proper diet is the solution to many problems: 

    These are some changes we should make to our diet to prevent hair fall. The changes should be made only after consulting a doctor because everybody adapts differently. 

    Try to consume proteins for stronger hairs as they make hair growth faster. 

    Include vitamins in your diet, like vitamin C from citrus fruits, and Vitamin B7 is high in biotin, an essential component for hair growth. It includes walnuts, almonds, eggs, and many more. 

    Vitamin A and vitamin E are also important: 

    Mainly these vitamins strengthen the scalp’s moisture and promote hair growth. You can have these vitamins from vegetables and fruits like spinach, broccoli, avocado, carrot, and sweet potatoes. 

    Silica, Omega 3 fatty acids, Zinc, and iron are some other essentials needed to promote healthy hair growth.  


    The crucial step is consulting a doctor before adopting a diet or transplant. Properly examining your hair and scalp is critical; to get such amazing consultancy, you can visit ASG Hair Transplant Centre.