When is a Hair Transplant Needed? How to Find the Best Hair Transplant Clinic?

A hair transplant is a solution to hair loss


    Hairs play a vital role in an individual’s personality. The lifestyle of today’s generation affects natural hair, which results in massive hair loss and causes alopecia in many individuals. To aid the condition of alopecia, hair specialists introduced hair transplants in which, with the help of medical science artificially, hairs are transplanted. The hair transplant cost in Punjab approximately starts from 30,000 INR and goes up to 60,000 INR. 

    Many youngsters or adults face the problem of hair loss at a young age and lose their confidence. Hairs are an important factor in presenting the looks. People living in major cities face the issue more as compared to individuals living in villages, so if you are looking for a hair transplant in Ludhiana to treat alopecia. 

    Here is the list of some of the most famous personalities who opt for hair transplants for good looks: 

    1. Elon Musk 
    2. Boy George 
    3. Calum Best
    4. Jimmy Carr
    5. Stephanie Davis  

    What does a hair transplant really mean? 

    There are several types of techniques for hair transplants; the most common is (FUE) Follicular unit extraction, and the other two are sapphire FUE and direct hair transplantation (DHI).  

    This is a process in which follicles of areas that have good hair growth, especially the back side of the head near the ears, are blended with the blading area. In this way, men and women are getting their hair transplants done. After undergoing this procedure, your transplanted hair lasts lifelong.  

    How to find the best place for a hair transplant Here are some factors that can help you find a suitable place to get your hair transplant done: 

    Have qualified consultants: 

    Always choose a clinic that provides expert consultation, as this will help in examining the root cause better. The consultant should be polite, and he should be a person who listens to your problem and then enables you to find the best solution for your condition. 

    They must have a proper treatment catalogue: 

    The clinics which have a proper set of treatments to cure different conditions should be prioritised. They should have the capacity to know whether you need treatment or a transplant for your situation.  

    Geons and Trichologists: 

    The clinics should have an experienced team of surgeons and trichologists. Also, the staff should be polite and supportive. Only then is it possible to achieve great results at the end of the treatment? 

    Importance of proper types of equipment: 

    The clinics should have the latest equipment with technicians who know how to use them properly with care as it will provide a better judgement to the examiner to examine the cause of the problem. 

    Always consider reviews:

    Always consider the comments or reviews by the previous patients and how they after they get treated at that particular place. Is there treatment effective or not? It helps you in making a better decision. 


    To get medical assistance packed with the advice of experts and also to have the best hair transplant, you can visit ASG Hair Transplant Centre, which will help you regain your attitude and provide you with the best solution for your problems.