In-depth knowledge of hair transplant procedures and where to get them.

In-depth knowledge of hair transplant procedures and where to get them.


    People who are suffering from hair thinning and hair loss due to various reasons, either related to health or aging, may want to get a hair transplant procedure done. Then they might want to know the hair transplant cost in Punjab.

    If you wish to get a hair transplant procedure done for you, then visiting ASG HAIR TRANSPLANT in Jalandhar is the best option for you. They are known as the best hair transplant clinic in the entire India. 

    They have successfully treated many patients requiring hair transplants in a cost-effective way. They understand that losing hair can affect one’s self-esteem very much. Hence their treatments are based on the latest technology.

    Their treatment is personalized for every patient to better suit their conditions and give the best result for each one of them.

    They have been ranked the best institute to get hair transplants in Punjab for the last many years. The official website has many success stories.

    Their team of medical staff consists of doctors, Who have successfully treated more than eight thousand patients and helped them in their hair transplant journey. 


    A hair transplant procedure involves taking hair follicles from one part of the body, the donor part, to another part, the recipient part. This procedure will help the person suffering from excessive hair loss and baldness. 

    Most recipients of hair transplants are males, although females are also known to get them.

    Hair transplants can also be used to cover up scars caused by other procedures and also accidents.

    This procedure has also been used to restore eyelashes, add chest hair, beard hair, eyebrows, etc.


    When a person wishes to undergo a hair transplant, they consult a doctor first. The doctor then analyzes the patient’s condition to understand the pattern of baldness they are suffering from; then, they devise the best treatment route for the patient.

    The doctor will decide if the patient needs single or multiple sessions. They also talk to the patients at length regarding their expectations and what and how much time they can devote to the treatment.

    The doctor might also locate a place that can act as the donor site for the patient. This can be the chest area, back of the head, and even pubic hair. The doctor will then communicate the same to the patient to get their recommendations.

    The doctor might ask the patient about their detailed medical history and whether they suffer from any major health condition; if yes, then the doctor might decide against undergoing a hair transplant procedure.

    If everything during the pre-operative examination goes smoothly, then the doctor might give a date when the procedure will be conducted. The doctor might prescribe the topical application of some medicine. It has been seen that topical minoxidil application and intake of vitamin supplements have greatly benefitted the patients.


    a) Best result- ASG has been giving the best results constantly for many years. They are renowned for their precise and customized treatments suitable for each patient.

    b) Affordability- Their treatment is always done keeping in mind the patients. Hence they have kept their treatment at economical rates so that more and more people can get their hair transplants done without breaking the bank.

    c) Hospitality- The whole ASG team is very professional and treats their patients with utmost respect and kindness because they value them.

    d) Guaranteed results- ASG is the best institution for getting hair transplants done in the whole of Punjab. They have treated more than eight thousand people with guaranteed results every time. 

    Getting a hair transplant done takes courage, money, and, most importantly, your valuable time. So we urge every reader of this article to get well versed with the whole process of a Hair transplant, consult a good doctor, estimate the economics of getting the procedure then proceed further.


    If you or anyone in your knowledge wants to get a hair transplant done, then you should definitely visit ASG HAIR TRANSPLANT CLINIC.