What are the options that will help you to get rid of hair fall condition?

Hair loss treatment options


    What is hair fall?

    Hair fall is the heartbreaking condition, that leads you to low confidence. Everyone experiences this condition once in a life, but if you are suffering from excessive hair fall, then you need to undergo surgical treatment. You may need to get the hair transplant in Punjab, as this is the best area, where you can get the right treatment as per your condition.

    The main reason for this condition is hormonal changes. You may not be aware of it that low and high levels of hormones in your body lead to hair fall condition.

    1. Genetic hair is also common in both men and women, this is caused if your parents experience this condition ever in life. This is also known as hereditary hair fall, but if men are suffering from hair fall, then this is known as male pattern baldness. On the opposite side, if women are suffering from excessive hair fall, then this is known as female pattern baldness.

    2. Stress and other health conditions are also responsible for hair fall condition.

    3. Your poor eating regimen also affects your hair growth and you may start losing too much hair due to an unhealthy diet.

    4. There are certain types of medications that lead you to hair fall condition.

    5. You will surely experience alopecia and baldness if you are undergoing chemotherapy and radiation therapy as well.

    6. People who take too many illegal drugs are at greater risk of hair fall condition.

    Treatment options for hair fall condition

    There are several treatment options are available to get rid of hair fall condition completely. These are:

    • Medications

    • Surgical treatment

    • Laser therapy

    • PRP therapy

    These are explained as below-:


    There are two types of oral medications well-known among people to get rid of hair fall. These include Minoxidil and Finasteride, these are topical medications that are available in the form of tablets and solution. These medications can only be available with the prescription of a doctor.

    Surgical treatment

    As we stated above, if you are suffering from excessive hair fall, then you need to undergo surgical treatment, which is known as Hair transplantation. This is a type of cosmetic treatment, that is specially designed for those with excessive hair fall. In addition to this, hair transplantation has two types such as FUT and FUE, these are valuable to get the desired results. And this is the best treatment that gives you permanent hair growth.

    PRP therapy

    PRP therapy is worked with the laser, in which your specialist collects your blood cells and then prepares them to infuse at the infected area. This therapy is beneficial to get fuller hair growth.