Things You Should Know About Stem Cell Treatment For Hair Fall

Stem Cell Treatment For Hair Loss Problem ASG HAIRTRANSPLANT


    Hair contributes a big part to the overall look of a person, which makes it very precious for people. Hence taking care comes naturally. 

    So if you have lost a lot of hair, it can be challenging for many people to push back from this scenario. Weaves and wigs can help to a certain extent, and who would not want to have their own hair. This is why people are turning more toward Stem Cell Treatment For Hair Loss. It is not only reliable but also gives you a natural-looking outcome that makes the treatment worth each penny. 

    Apart from stem cell treatment, hair transplant in Punjab is also a popular technique that people opt for to get back their luminous hair. 

    Hair Loss And Its Problems

    When we think about baldness, our first instinct is to think about an older adult. It just comes naturally. But remember that hair loss has no age or gender limit. 

    However, hair loss is a widespread issue among men and women. People still find it embarrassing to talk about it with a professional. Instead, they would find some over-the-counter products that claim to maximize hair growth. 

    Whereas with cosmetic surgery, you can quickly get life-changing results. 

    Why Choose Stem Cell Hair Treatment?

    With the help of stem cell treatment, you can make your hair follicles healthier and stronger. The doctor also uses it to restimulate the older follicles. 

    We always think about hair transplants to get rid of bald hair, but now we have also got an option that is equally reliable but without the involvement of surgery. 

    That is when the scientist saw the magic of stem cells and how they can help improve hair follicles. They found out that cells can indeed help hair to regrow completely. It is a very simple technique in which the doctor implants the stem cells into the hair follicles so the patient can grow new hair. 

    It is indeed one of the innovative techniques that have helped new hair grow immensely, giving 100 % natural and healthier-looking results. 

    Since it is a very new method of hair restoration, people are not very well aware of it. 

    Stem Cells Loss Is The Real Reason Behind Hair Loss

    Have you ever thought about why people struggle with hair growth or why they experience hair loss? 

    According to many people, it is a sign of getting older, whereas others might blame genetics for this. 

    And sometimes, it can be a mixture of both. 

    There are many elements that play a significant role in hair loss, including excessive exposure to sunlight and even chemicals. The aging process can lead to damage to hair. After years of use, the hair follicles can shrivel away. 

    Stem cell pools in the hair follicles that help the hair in regrowing them constantly can become damaged or end up dying. When many hair follicles notice the same stem cell loss, you can begin to observe the thinning of hair.


    Contact ASG Hair Transplant Centre and get to learn more about stem cell treatment.