The biology of hair growth and the mechanisms behind hair loss.



    The process of hair growth is a very interesting process. Hair growth depends upon various factors like genetics, age, hormonal, environmental and overall health.  Mammalian skin produces hair everywhere except on glabrous skin which includes the lips, palms and soles. 

    Hair Growth Cycle: The hair growth cycle can be divided into four stages:

      • Anagen Phase:  This is the active growth hair phase. In the anagen phase the cells in the roots are divided which leads to the growth of many new hairs. During the Anagen phase your hair grows half an inch in a month and at a faster speed in summers then winters.The Anagen phase remains for the 3-5 years to bring a length of 18 to 30 inches.
      • Catagen Phase: After the Anagen Phase, Catagen Phase of hair growth comes. It is a short transitional phase. The hair follicles start to shrink in this phase. On an average 3% of the hair of an individual always remains in this stage.
      • Telogen phase: Telogen phase is the resting phase of hairs. The growth is either too slow or stagnant. It is estimated that 10-15% of hairs remain in this stage.
      • Exogen Phase: This is the final phase of a hair growth cycle. In this phase the hair stand falls out and the new cycle of hairs again starts.  

    The mechanism behind the hair loss can vary person to person:

    Hair Loss is a common problem that everyone is facing today’s date. Hair loss problems or thinning of hair makes you less confident and unmotivated, which becomes not only a physical challenge but an emotional challenge as well. One permanent solution to this problem is a hair transplant surgery. It is not just about regaining your hair but also regaining your confidence to be yourself. For more details, see Hair Transplant in India.

    • Genetics: Some people get the hair loss problem from their parents due to genetics. Family history plays a big role in the hair loss problem.
    • Hormonal changes: Hormonal changes happen in women due to some conditions, like pregnancy or menopause, can lead to hair loss.
    • Medical conditions: Some medical conditions and disorders also lead to hair loss, such as thyroid or scalp infections, etc.
    • Aging: As we start getting older, our hair starts getting thinner, which puts them at risk of shedding.
    • Stress: Stress is a big issue nowadays, whether it is physical stress load or mental stress load. It causes hair loss, and stress is becoming the main reason for hair loss among youth.
    • Poor nutrition: Having a poor nutrition diet, such as a lack of iron and protein in your diet, may lead to hair fall problems.
    • Hairstyling and treatments: Excessive heat and chemicals during styling and treatment may damage hair and cause hair loss problems.

    Understanding the biology of hair growth and the factors contributing to hair loss is crucial for developing effective treatments and interventions. While some forms of hair loss are reversible, others may require medical attention and professional guidance for hair loss treatment in India optimal management.