Availability for Hair Transplant in Punjab and Pune

In-depth knowledge of hair transplant procedures and where to get them.


    Hair transplant is simply a procedure in which follicular unit is transplanted from one side ( usually back of the heads or sides of the head) to the other side of the head where there is a loss of hairs.During a hair transplant surgery , the surgeon puts hair follicles from the donor area and implants them into the area where there is no hair or less hairs ,as asked by the patient. The transplanted hair follicles continue to grow naturally without any artificial appearance, giving a more permanent solution . To know about Hair Transplant in Punjab, let us read about the procedure for Hair Transplant

    Different techniques used in hair transplantation

    There are different techniques used in the  hair transplantation by the surgeon:

    1.Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT):Follicular Unit Transplantation is a procedure in which the surgeon cuts the follicle unit from the donor area, usually the back or sides of the head, and put the follicle unit where bald spots are present These follicular units contain one to four  hair follicles.

    2.Follicular Unit Extraction: Follicular Unit Extraction is another technique used in transplantation. Unlike FUT, which involves harvesting a strip of scalp, FUE involves harvesting a strip of scalP, FUE involves extracting individual hair follicles directly from the scalp.

    Procedure of Hair Transplant

    The procedure of Hair Transplant typically invol;ves the following steps:`

    1.Consultation: You will meet with a qualified hair transplant surgeon from Hair Transplantation in Pune, who will check your hair loss, discuss your condition, and decide if you are a suitable candidate for the procedure.

    1. Planning: The surgeon will guide you to have a personalized treatment plan at Hair Transplantation in Pune, based on your requirement for desired hairline, hair density, along with the availability of donor hair.
    2. Anesthesia : On the day of the procedure, anesthesia will be given to the patient and make him lie down on the bed to ensures that you remain comfortable throughout the surgery without any pain
    3. Donor Hair Harvesting: As per the technique used (FUT OR FUE)by the surgeon it will determine either remove a strip of scalp containing donor hair follicles or individually extract follicles from the donor area as per guide and requirement of the patient.
    4. Graft Preparation: They harvested hair follicles are carefully put into individual grafts or follicular units, ensuring their viability for transplantation and smooth surgery of the patient.
    5. Recipient Site creation: The surgeon will create tiny incisions or recipient sites in the balding or thinning areas of your scalp. The angle, direction , and density of these sites are crucial for achieving a natural-looking result.

    7.Graft Placement: The prepared grafts are then carefully placed into the recipient sites, taking into account the natural hair growth pattern and desired outcomes as required by the patient.

    1. Post Procedure Care: After the transplant is done you will be provided with instructions and guidance on how to care for your scalp , with the necessary medications, post- operative care routines, and follow up appointments after the procedure.

    Risks included in Hair Transplant

    Risks included in hair transplant are minor and not major ones, following are them:

    • Infection
    • Bleeding
    • Itching
    • Swelling of scalp
    • Inflammation
    • Shock loss, etc

    It is important to note that these risks are relatively rare and most people have successful hair transplants from Hair Transplant in Punjab with satisfying results. So it is important to choose a skilled and experienced surgeon to minimize the risks and ensure the best outcomes for the procedure.