Is it possible for the hair transplant treatment to use body hair for scalp?

Guide on body hair transplant


    Hair transplant in Punjab is one of the best treatment options which helps the patient to deal with hair loss issues. When patients think of getting the treatment, there can be problems with the donor area.

    What indicates the need for a body hair transplant?

    • Individuals with an advanced grade of hair loss with a limited supply of donor area and having a good beard or torso hair.
    • If a patient has undergone the treatment but it resulted in depletion of the scalp donor area and the recipient area did not have enough coverage.
    • In some cases, the procedure can be combined to get better results and within one session more grafts can be transplanted.
    • To cover the donor scars.
    • Extensive scarring of the scalp that makes it difficult for the donor area to be proper.

    As per your condition, the doctor will let you know what suits your condition the best and give you customized treatment plans.

    How scalp hair and body hair are different?

    The ratio at which the hair grows is highest for the scalp hair. Additionally, the thickness of the skin scalp is different as compared to the rest of the body. Studies have shown that the hair in the chest and beard are closest to the scalp hair. This is why they are considered as the most commonly used non-scalp donor areas. The beard is the preferred donor area as compared to the chest. Fortunately, the success rate of a beard hair transplant is more than 85 percent.

    What makes an ideal candidate for a body hair transplant to scalp?

    To determine the eligibility the Toros Donor Index (TDI) is used which includes different criteria which are mentioned below:

    • Hair density > 40 FUs/sq. cm.
    • Body and head hair similarities
    • The number of FUs (follicular units) with 2-3 hair follicles
    • Donor area Size
    • Body hair length

    What is the method of using a body hair transplant?

    Body hair transplant is done by using the FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) method

    • On average, around 500 to 4000 hair grafts will be transplanted in a single day which can be divided into the placement of grafts and graft extraction.
    • Before the procedure, the donor area needs to be shaved depending on the donor site which needs to be used for hair transplantation. For consistent results, the hair should be in the growing stage.
    • The procedure is done by giving patients local anaesthesia. On the donor site, straight punches of around 0.7mm to 1mm are made which makes it easier to clear the extraction of grafts.
    • The wound will take 4 to 5 days to heal properly. Till the time, you need to cover it so that no unwanted particle or substance comes in contact with it.
    • It is normal for the transplanted hair to fall out within 2 weeks following the surgery. After that, your hair will continue to grow as normal.